Authors and developers of specialist accounting software
Our Philosophy
Standard off the shelf accounting packages are produced with the view to be applicable to as many trading situations as possible. This generalised approach gives rise to complexities in task handling for any given user group and an inherent inability to address specific needs peculiar to any one trade or profession unless these are heavily customised, sometimes with "add-on" programs and always at a significant cost.
Our approach has been entirely different, in that we have created accounting software packages that are tailor-made for specific trades and professions. This approach has allowed us to design systems that are totally focused on the requirements of their users and operate in a manner that is entirely compatible with their specific transaction patterns and trading environments. As a result users immediately relate to their system and are able to follow routines intuitively.
A further achievement in design terms has allowed us to eliminate the usual computer and accounting complexities from our products. Based on an innovative approach accounting data is processed in accordance with the transaction patterns of each trading group without any regard to bookkeeping or accounting disciplines. Such disciplines are applied from within the software to allow users to operate each system as part of their daily routines and without a need for any bookkeeping or accounting skills.
Our intention is to initially target smaller economic entities with complex accounting needs that standard software packages are unable to readily cope with. A separate accounting software package will address the needs of each trading group bearing the title books for ©…...followed by the trade or profession for which it is intended. Products that are currently available in this series are books for© GP practices, books for© nursing/home-care agencies, books for© professional service providers (incorporating time and fees management) and books for© shopkeepers. In addition two further packages have been developed to prepare small limited company accounts and a cashbook software packed with useful features that produces a comprehensive set of books and ledgers and presentable accounts for sole traders and partnerships.